Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

MC...Good luck on Homecoming Queen! Woohoo...yet another reason why college is cooler than high school, cooler candidates for these things. ;o)

(everybody run...the homecoming queen's got a gun...hehe, remember?)

Vallie, continue rocking at your job and the rest of you do likewise.

P.S. I get to vote tonight by absentee ballot! I am not constrained by the limits of November 2! Ok America, it's go time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hey guys...haven't been posting very regularly but I am running around like a crazy person lately, passing out, then doing it again. Love reading everyone's stuff though still...however contradictory it may be to my "brainwashed liberal jon stewart watching views" on the world. hehe, November 2 here we come.

Val and MC, thanks so much for your calls and as soon as my head stops spinning I will return both of them. Fall study days this weekend...maybe then...looking forward to it.

Take care all,