Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

Starting to recover...really behind in everything...randomly flying home this weekend for to you all soon.

P.S. I - want - shout outs! HELP ME! um, please? ;o)

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Yes, I did randomly end up going to Ohio this weekend. Allison has friends at Ohio University and their Halloween festvities are insane. It took us an hour to walk a mile down the main street; it was as packed as Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Sooo much fun. Then, I ran into some kid who's a year younger than me and graduated from LHS. How random is that? I didn't recognize him as much more than one of those people who never talked to me. Still, we talked about Libertyville stuff for about half an hour. It was a good time, let me tell you. Still, sarcasm aside, it's always fun to talk to someone who understands where you come from and knows the same people and places. I must have had too good a time this weekend, because I woke up Monday morning with a really bad flu. I still have it now, but I'm all drugged up on Theraflu, so I'm up and moving around if not quite coherent. After hearing about the musical from my mom, I've decided that if it works out, maybe I will try to swing by Chicago this weekend. I know it's random, but I feel bad not seeing my kids perform. :o) I know I should have come in the first place, but oh well. If it does turn out, Val, we'll have to do something! Well, it's back to bed for to you later guys...(Thanksgiving soon...mmm...)