Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Well hello there! Sounds like everyone has been doing well overall, which is good to hear. Sorry I haven't posted in a while; I have been working full time and seem to have a ton to do in the short time after work as well. I still haven't really come to a conclusion about my job. I have been working there for about two months now and while it's mostly great, sometimes it can get really ugly. Drama between managers, people getting fired, contradicting orders, etc. Still, I've made some great friends among my co-workers and so that makes it pretty worthwhile. Right now I am deciding between working til the end of July and then quitting and coming home for a while, or just sticking to my previous plan of just taking a week off here or there to visit. We'll see...I should know by the end of this next week.

Stuff in the house has been like night and day lately too. It can be great or it can be not so great. Living with thirteen other people is bound to wear on you after a I'm just trying to decide if I need a short break or detachment all the way til school starts. If I do come home for all of August, I will miss saying goodbye to most of my housemates when they move out, which would be sad seeing as most of them have graduated and I have no clue when, if ever, I will see them again. Still, house relationships have gotten more stressful lately and it would be nice to break away from that for a while and just relax. But then I wonder how much I will miss the fun parts of living here. So who knows. Needless to say I am quite confused and indecisive at the moment.

Guys confuse me. Currently nothing really to report on the dating scene.

Now for the fun part. I decided on July 2nd to drive to New York City for the 4th of July. It rocked! I piled in the car with three other housemates after I got off work on the 3rd, we drove all night and arrived in New York at about 5:30 AM. Thanks to everyone who called me on the trip; so sorry I couldn't meet up with you and/or take you with me! After we got there, we just crashed til about 10 at Jonny's brother's place in Brooklyn. A very ghetto part of Brooklyn in fact. When we first got there, I was scared of it, but by the time we left it felt like home. Anyhow, we woke up a few hours after arriving and went out to breakfast. After, we visited Sebastien's (Jonny's older brother) work. He is a photographer who does photo shoots at this warehouse place in Brooklyn. It looks pretty sketchy from the outside, but then you get in and they have shiny, really expensive sports cars and motorcycles. They have crystal chandeliers and huge leather couches. Then they are decked out with state of the art computer technology and a sound system with huge surround sound speakers in all three massive rooms of the warehouse. I guess they have huge parties filled with celebrities fairly frequently. It blew me away. Sebastien showed us pictures that he took of all these really famous people, including Britney Spears. He didn't like her though, said she was really mean and annoying...danced in high heels on the hood of a hundred thousand dollar car they were supposed to deliver the next day and completely scratched it up. This story confirms my feelings that she should go away and not come back. ;o) Anyhow, after that we ended up at a barbeque, back to the house to nap, and then were supposed to meet up with a bunch of people at a roof party. We actually had about 5 other former housemates or friends in New York at the same time, so we hung out with them in addition to meeting a ton of new people. While waiting for these friends to show, however, we completely missed the fireworks, and so even though I was in New York City on the 4th of July and could hear fireworks going off all around me, I did not see a single one. Still, we finally got to the party and had an amazing time. Quite of few of the people hadn't seen each other for about three months when we all split up in Ann Arbor, so it was awesome to have everyone back together again. Slice of pizza then bed...rumors have it a number of interesting pictures were taken of me while I was sleeping...we'll have to wait and see what that's all about... Saturday morning we slept in, went to lunch and walked/pushed our way around Times Square. Rested at our friend's new apartment overlooking the river, then a walk through Central Park and a few hours at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dinner in a delicious Mexican restaurant on the Upper West Side and then back to Brooklyn to chill until about 3 AM when I left for the airport. Fought to stay awake til my 5:40 boarding. Don't remember taking off...woke up to a bump and a voice saying we landed in Detroit. Worked a five and a half hour shift alone on and hour and a half of sleep then passed out for about 12 hours. Such a great time. :o)

Now things are back to normal...currently I get to look forward to coming home this Thursday the 10th for my sister's graduation party! I'm there til Monday night and already have plans with Vallie (yay!). I'll be pretty busy, but will try and see anyone else who's home if possible. Take care all and hopefully I'll keep you better posted than I have in the past month. Muah!