Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

I have to take six two hour exams in two days. Shoot me.

P.S. I have really really liked this one guy in the program almost the whole time I've been here. Attempts to get closer to him have been up and down and all around. If nothing happens at the closing party Tuesday night I just don't know. I have rarely, if ever, felt this much of an attraction to someone so soon after meeting them and have been thinking about it (read: spazzing about it) for a good month now. Still very fun and exciting to spend time with him as friends, and I keep telling myself it's ok if that's all it is, but every time I hang out with him I realize that I would love to be more. Hope I don't sound desperate, because I'm not, just very much liking this kid hmm


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