So I know I've been home for nine days and not really seen anyone...I'm sorry. The day I got back I started working for my Mom full-time and haven't really stopped since. Add a couple graduation parties, a fashion show, babysitting, doctor visiting, hair cutting, taking the cat to the vet, etc., and it's been one non-stop sleep-deprived week and couple days. Fun times though. And I guess it's good to be busy after my semi-relaxing month of May. Anyhow, I am now frantically trying to prepare for my flight to Europe Monday evening. Hope everything is well with you guys. I'll try to post/call/e-mail sometime soon.
At 4:02 PM,
Eric said…
Working for you mom full time? What's your mom do?
Glad you're having a good time doing all that, because that would suck if you didn't like much of it!
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