Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Ok, so the musical was amazing, very much worth the trip. It was so much fun to see all the Libertyville people again too. Such as the Miller family. Who, I found out, read my blog. Hi guys. Jocelyn, you did a great job in the musical; I was very impressed. Carly, this nylon hand business frightens me. Mr. Miller, I resent your implication that I am a French whore. I'm not even French. And Mrs. Miller, good luck trying to keep these people under control. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Val while I was in town. Soon enough, Val, and then we can have a 12-13 hour chat in person! :o)

On another note, I have to vent. It's about guys' motives. Now, I'd like to think I understand them fairly well...I may not like it, but I understand it. Now let's say you're my best guy friend at school. We hang out all the time, have lots of fun together, and just get along really well. All is good. Then, you decide to break up with your current girlfriend and ask me out. I am shocked and confused. Eventually, I adjust and even start to like the idea. It is at this point that you cut off all contact with me. Now, we talk even less than before you asked me out. When I try to contact you, you are either too busy to talk or just don't want to. Still, there's one random moment every week or so when you act like you really like me again. Other than that, nothing. Not only are we far from going out, you don't even act like we're friends anymore! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! It's not even that I'm hurt, it's that I just don't get it. Why won't you make up your mind so that I at least know what frame of mind to be in when I actually get to talk to you! Arrrgggghhhh!


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