Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Back in New York after the longest break I've ever had. Wisdom teeth, travel to Michigan, dinners with the parents, and suddenly it's been three weeks and here goes everything again. My New Year's Resolution is to have more fun. 2006 wheeeeeeee


  • At 3:39 AM, Blogger Eric said…

    didn't you sign up for like 3 peoples worth of clases? Don't you have like two jobs on top of that or something? So if by fun you mean, do nothing but work and school with almost no sleeping, then you should be able to do that easily. If by fun you ment actually have fun... well... I'm not sure about that... Is writing papers fun? :P

    j/k... kinda :) Good luck with your resolution and with the new semester

  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Kristin said…

    have faith. i'm thinking of developing a superhero persona for the fun. i feel like those people got a lot done. yeah.

    but just in case, thanks for the luck.


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