Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

This is very, very hard.

Counting Crows - Recovering the Satellites

Radiohead - The Bends

The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes

Paul Simon - Graceland

Ok, I can't do ten...there are the five un-skippables I came up with...there's no way to do it all justice and certain songs on certain albums make nearly all of them impossible to cancel out.


  • At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Kristin, it's Jacob (from 725 Church St.) Just catching up on some of your blogs. Very nice. Had a couple comments....obviously.

    1) Stop liking the Counting Crows right now, young lady! Unacceptable. Un-ac-ceptable.

    2) Christian Bale is just that good.

    Just saw The Machinist last week....whoa!

    Don't drown in work. Or deep water for that matter.

    In case you care, living in San Francisco now. Barely. Relocating, as you should be well versed in right now, is a total bitch.

    Here's to saying hello. Have a Happy Kwanzaa.

    -mr. jacob


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