ok, time for the opposite issue from last month. looks like i may have gone a ltitle too gung-ho with my applications for a part-time job next year. 1. i have been offered a job that will be good for my resume, and seems interesting, but isn't my ideal work, doesn't pay much, and doesn't offer very many hours. 2. i have an interview tomorrow for a job that i would like, pays ok, has reasonable hours, but will be difficult to commute to and wouldn't be as good on my resume. 3. i have a call to interview for a job that sounds like an amazing department though my work will be strictly clerical in nature, pays incredible well, is right nearby, but doesn't apply directly to what i want to do. what do i do and how long can i keep the offered position waiting, a job that may not be my ideal but am extremely lucky to get and will almost certainly further my career?
i am all confoozled.
(misspelling intentional) :oP
i am all confoozled.
(misspelling intentional) :oP
At 12:37 AM,
Jeff said…
I disagree. Take the job that applies best to your resume and future career path. That way, you can insure that your experience is applicable to what you want to do.
I know I can't very well walk into an engineering firm and say, "Hey look! I worked for the Bears! Hire me!" =)
At 9:38 PM,
Kristin said…
Well, I chose what's behind door number one. I'm pretty sure I want to go into Academic Advising at first, and this one is with Columbia College's Office of Academic Affairs. The lucrative gig is doing secretary work with the Oral History Research Program, and doesn't even have a higher ed admin application other than as another office job. And the "far away" one is a study abroad advisor position at Fordham University, the Bronx campus that I could get to on the D line a couple blocks away from my dorm. Still, I think I made the right choice since academic affairs is all about structuring itself around my schoolwork. I get to pick my start and end date, and make my own schedule, which is really important since the school program is the whole reason I'm going out there, and an applicable one will help me get a better job afterwards. The other two would have wanted me to come out there in a week's notice, forcing me to change my plans, and also they have no definitive start date and sound a lot less flexible overall. Whew, and this way I'll get to sit in on meetings with administrative bigwigs that will make great connections come next year. Anyhow, there's a mouthful...thanks for all your insightful opinions! I was really stuck on this one and they helped a lot! :) Good to finally have things settled again.
At 1:30 AM,
Jeff said…
Flexibility is of utmost importance, especially when you have to go to school - I love grad school for that reason.
Good luck!
At 1:38 AM,
Eric said…
sounds like you made the right choice. All your reasons made perfect sense and ther's not really a way to prove them wrong, unless you start making shit up ("What if martians came to earth? Would that job be the best to impress them into not KILLING YOU!!!!").
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