So Borders offered me a job the morning after. In a very out of character move, I had gone to support my friend at the club where he works in Detroit until like 4 in the morning, then didn't get to bed until 5. When this woman called at 10, a very groggy and blurry Kristin answered the phone. At first I was really excited, but then she offered me a job working nights and weekends, making very little money, in the cafe. So basically I would never see Mike, work part-time to raise not even close to enough money to possibly get to Grad school, and instead of working with books, music, and movies like I had hoped to, be behind a counter where I don't know how to make anything. Still, I felt weird/stuck-up declining the position when it's so hard to find a job now. Oh well, I just don't think it's meant for me, but was still happy about the prompt response. Since then, I applied at the temp agency, a barnes and noble store, and the children's information desk at the library (only a part-time job, but pays well and I think I would love it). My only other promising lead is that while I can't stay on as a scheduled writing tutor post-graduation, they agreed to pass out my name as a substitute when people can't make it, and also add my name to a private tutor list that callers can hire from for special needs or high school students. Cool! I'm so glad to still have the opportunity to work with college kids as I want to do professionally. We'll see what kind of business, if any, comes in through that. :o) Anyhow, that's me in a nutshell. I must find work! Hmm...
Previous Posts
- First day of what is supposedly "real life." Comp...
- three dinner parties, forty to fifty gift wrapping...
- hey girls... are we going to exchange gifts? i'm...
- final UNDERGRAD paper finished! woah. i'm sittin...
- um, i lied. two exams. i'm delirious.
- one paper and one exam to freedom.
- Hey kids, Well I'm pretty sure I'll be heading ba...
- Hey guys, Sorry to those who I didn't get to see ...
- There was a time when I could at least understand ...
- Five weeks to graduation and I sometimes question ...
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