Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Monday, January 03, 2005

First day of what is supposedly "real life." Completed and sent in ALL materials for my Colombia app. Woohoo! NYU is on the menu tonight and tomorrow. Also applied at Borders and filled out forms for the Temp. Employment Office here, to be delivered in a borrowed car hopefully tomorrow. On the flipside, my room is a mess and I think my comp's subwoofer crapped out on me. A very, very sad day with how much I depend on my computer's 15 GB of mp3's. Meh. I'll have to look into getting it repaired or replaced ASAP. In other news, I have amazoned my first two "fun-reading" books in years. I echo MC's excitement about reading out of school. Anyhow, I am off to continue my quest for things to fill my days...excited and nervous for it all! :o) Happy New Years guys, hope it was a great one!


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