Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Hi guys...

All is well here. I feel mostly like a huge bum, but I have moved three friends out of their places and moved one into a new one, so that's pretty productive. Now I'm just catching up with people, getting study abroad paperwork squared away, spending time in the career center, etc. Happy almost graduation to those who are graduating!!! Exciting stuff...I will join you in a semester, which freaks me out.

As of now, I think I'll be in Libertyville June 1ish through maybe the 15th or 16th...My mom really wants me to ride back this weeked with my Asian cousin Nathan who I met for the first time when I was in high school (Val, MC, remember that? that was weird...), but I'm not sure if I want to make that trek twice in three weeks. Makes me kinda crazy. That was random, I know. Anyhow...

Val: Great talking to you, if only briefly, and I'm so glad you had a nice birthday...can't wait to see this year's fashion show! :o)

MC: Peshtigoooooooooo! Glad you got to see Davide! (I'm trying to make him sound French...hmm...) :o) P.S. Finally Starbuck's will have someone who truly understands the delicate balance of a white mocha.

Justin: Live music rocks so much. Glad you got to see a good show.

Eric: Thanks so much for the music rec. You were right on, so far I really like what I hear of Elefant. Also, the lyrics I posted are from my favorite song, and one of the only ones I really like by Third Eye Blind. Not a huge fan of the band, though I find most of their stuff catchy, it's usually too poppy and overplayed. But this song, called Motorcycle Drive-By, just works for me no matter how many times I hear it. I end up posting the lyrics a lot when I'm feeling reflective or going through a transition...or after I've had too many Coronas. Happy Cinco de Mayo, I feel awful. Hehe, ok, that's more than anyone needed to know about that. Enjoy. ;o)

Jeff: People who study humanities rule. We may not be practical, wealthy, or even employed all the time, but darn it we're interesting. ;o) What do you have planned in Texas?

Andy, JB, Mike, Lesley, maybe the Miller family: Hello and hope all is well!

Love, K.


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