My life is super insane. But things are better than they were a week or two ago. Still, I am booked solid from now til the end of the semester, with a brief coming up for air called Thanksgiving. I will talk to people then. And, next semester, I am taking the lightest course load yet and having the fun I'm missing now! Wooo! I will start blogging and talking to my beloved friends once again! (It sounds ambitious, I know.) When does MC go to France? My respite might not be good timing for getting back in touch there...but hey, there is always Christmas/MC day...and e-mail... Anyhow, I am just excited to get this semester done. It's been academically intriguing, but I am way overly committed and just plain worn out. Sounds like everyone else is doing reasonably well and I'm glad. Take care. Eleven school days til Thanksgiving break!
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