Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

My life is super insane. But things are better than they were a week or two ago. Still, I am booked solid from now til the end of the semester, with a brief coming up for air called Thanksgiving. I will talk to people then. And, next semester, I am taking the lightest course load yet and having the fun I'm missing now! Wooo! I will start blogging and talking to my beloved friends once again! (It sounds ambitious, I know.) When does MC go to France? My respite might not be good timing for getting back in touch there...but hey, there is always Christmas/MC day...and e-mail... Anyhow, I am just excited to get this semester done. It's been academically intriguing, but I am way overly committed and just plain worn out. Sounds like everyone else is doing reasonably well and I'm glad. Take care. Eleven school days til Thanksgiving break!



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