Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Ok, I am long overdue for some serious blogging, am currently on an espresso high, and feeling extra ambitious, so here goes:

The house is fun. Really nothing at all like the house last year, but fun nonetheless. All 14 are nice and everyone seems to get along quite well, but not nearly the constant party atmosphere I has gotten used to. Probably good for me. And my GPA.

The crush on the housemate is not going to pan out. Also probably for the best. Still, I am really wanting to start dating someone again, at least informally, but am not sure how that is going to happen or if I'll even have time for it if it does. Oh well, we shall see.

Oh, and by the way. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I did a lot of work for my landlady this past year. I mean a ton. So much that little unassertive me asked for a month off rent as compensation and got it. Thought things were going well. I took so much time out of my busy school and work schedules to find people to live here, arrange times when current housemates would be home so I could give tours, got new housemates to fill out leasing applications, made appointments for them to sign leases, collected security deposit checks, and helped them move in. It took me a long time. Through the summer in fact and even then there were two rooms yet unfilled. My landlady was persistent but understanding throughout this whole process. Things were stressful, but good. Then, about a week ago, I get a call that she's showing the house to 13 girls for next year already. I call back and inform her that quite a few of us, perhaps me included, were planning on staying. She says too bad, if I can't come up with a definitive house of 14 in a week and a half she's giving them the house I'll have lived in for two years and we're on the streets with 9 people looking for a new house that's this affordable and close to campus. Shoot. So I bring up the fact that I've worked hard to make her life easier this past year and why doesn't she take that into account before deciding to screw us over? She responds that I'm mistaken, I did a horrible job of being her little helper because it took me so long, and that last year was one of the worst, most unstable years she's had to deal with in her history of managing this property. That said, she thinks she's being more than fair. I flip out and say things to her that I've never said to an adult before. I realize now that she never felt gratitude toward me, but kept me around only until she had a better way of getting her money. Sweet. Now I'm frantically trying to pull this all together by Tuesday and no one's really helping. Whew. Ok, I feel better.

School is going pretty well. I have a ton of classes, but I am really interested in all of them so that makes it ok. I have three amazing English classes, a Linguistics class for my minor, and am teaching voice lessons four hours a week. It's a new role for me, but so far I'm really enjoying it. So in that respect, life is hectic, but good. Just trying to keep up with the tons of work and keep everything balanced.

Well, that's pretty much all I can think of. Not sure that anyone keeps up on football (I only watch my school's team and never watched anything til I came here), but we beat Notre Dame! Yeah! We rock! I was there and it was an incredible game. Then we lost to Oregon. What the heck? Whatever, we may be out of the running for Nationals, but I have full confidence we will bounce back and John Navarre (our QB) will learn to run. There you have it, the extent of my interest in sports (the most I've had since the 1994-1999 Bulls team). Michael Jordan, I love you... ;o)

Ok, well that's pretty much all that's going on here. Sorry I've been slacking on updates, but hopefully that was more than you ever needed to know about my life this month. Junior year looks to be a lot of work, but I find I know a ton of people now and it's really pretty sweet. Take care all, talk to you soon, and see you round turkey time.



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