Hey dudes and Happy Birthday yesterday Vallie! :o) Stuff here is going pretty well I guess. It's always a good time, but has gotten slower and stranger as of late. A bunch of my housemates moved out and new ones are starting to show up. Some of them have lived with me for a week now and I have yet to have a conversation with them. Some of them will only be around for a month. I feel like I'm living in a hotel. A really messy, loud hotel. Also, no developments on the job front. I've applied to ten now and haven't heard back from any. I even made up nice, professional resumes to go with my applications and have checked back with several of them. Ah well, someone will have to give me money sometime...just hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. I do really like the class I'm taking, though. It's an Anthro. class on the globalization of popular culture. It meets for three hours twice a week and there's a ton of reading, but I'm actually really enjoying it so far. The other day someone asked me what kind of job I expect to get as an English major who speaks French and takes Anthro. classes as electives. I confess that I have no idea, but I'm sure it will work out somehow. It seems I just like to be as impractical as possible. ;o) Anyhow, I feel really lost right now because my house DSL is down...hopefully it will be back up soon and I can reclaim my sanity. In the meantime, I hope everything is going well for people. I would like to reiterate the fact that I am a big loser for missing you guys a couple weeks back. A big loser. Also, it may be none of my business, but I don't understand why we can't all just forgive each other and get past whatever's going on right now. I know I'm idealistic, but we're all mature, reasonable people, and I've seen friends get through much worse. Everyone should just give each other the benefit of the doubt all the time. I know I'm not really involved, but I care about all of you and felt the need to put my two cents in. Just a thought. Later.
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