Music Addict

Busy in her first gig and wondering what happened to all the frivolity.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Ok, ok, so I guess I have to stop being so elusive and face up to this rumor...yes i did have a date. Yes I think I'm going out with him. His name is Carlo and he's my housemate's cousin. I swear this is not my life. Sunday will be our first official date since we started "going out" and he bought us floor tickets to the David Gray concert in Detroit. (Oh my gosh I love David Gray!) He's even taking me out to a nice dinner before. Where do I find these guys??? I mean, this is all really very very nice and good, but it's almost too much! I can even handle having a guy pay for my movie ticket, let alone all this. Why do guys think we need that? He says something crazy about winning my affections. I say, dude, be nice to me and you're set. Whatever. Right now I'm just in shock and very, very appreciative of everything. Oh, except for one thing. Steve. The ex. Hahaha, I have an ex. That's funny to me. So yeah, I never divulged the details of the break-up, but let's just say it was completely one-sided. I had no desire to break up and needless to say I was pretty upset. Still, it ended with a really deep, four-hour convesation that made me feel even closer to him than before. His main reason for breaking up with me, even though everything was going so well and he claimed to be really happy in the relationship was that he was still in love with this girl he dated a year and a half ago. This, supposedly, was why he kept just dating random girls for a month at a time and then throwing them away (which, by the way, was something he promised not to do to me when we started dating). Oops. So that was hard and I had a good, long cry, then resolved to just be happy that I had such an amazing guy friend. That was two weeks ago. This past weekend I ran into him on campus and after just a brief, casual conversation suspected that he was already seeing someone else. I just know him that well and it turns out I was right. Not only that, but just a day after they met they exhibited several excessive PDAs in front of our group of friends. So now there are a couple main alternatives that I can think of. #1 He bold-faced lied to me at the beginning, middle, and end of our relationship, claiming I was different from all the others and that if he ever was ready to date again, he would want it to be with me. #2 He meant what he said, but realized that, being a man-whore, he couldn't live without some kind of female companionship - supposedly one with a girl he doesn't have strong feelings about, as opposed to me, with whom he supposedly did. I'm gonna hope for #2, but either way I feel extremely screwed over. Still, I'm in a really good mood, thanks to the Carlo thing and the sheer fact that I could seriously just care less about Steve at this point, after he's let me down not only as a boyfriend but as a friend too. What a slut though. He actually made me mad, and that's extremely hard to do. When did my life turn into such a soap opera? I feel like a character on T.V. or in a movie. But hey, I'm optimistic. By next week I plan on moving away from the Real World re-run and more toward the cutesy romantic comedy. ;o) Hehe. Anyhow, just wanted to get that all in writing I guess. Kudos to you if you actually read it all. And sorry. Because that must have taken a while. :oP All my best to everyone.


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