Well I'm back in Ann Arbor and already had my first day of classes today. It feels like I've been away longer than two weeks and it's good to be back, although I'm already starting to miss friends at home. I'm really out of it today because I forgot to turn my space heater down when I went to bed last night and it was 88 degrees in my room when my cell phone woke me up twenty minutes before my first class. Whew. Anyhow, I have a feeling that I'll be writing a couple of these posts before anyone even starts to check them again. But that's ok. I'll keep babbling and soon you guys will come back and join me. ;o) I definitely went on a downloading spree when I got back to my computer and high speed internet. Hehe, too much fun. My poor computer...someday it will blow up as punishment for all the abuse I've given it. Ooh...and I really love buying books for my classes. No one here understands it. I bought 17 books yesterday for only two of my classes and yet I still somehow had a really great time doing it. And then I started reading them. For some strange reason they don't start getting boring until someone makes me study them. One sad thing about coming back to school is that I have no food and no car to go to the grocery store. I have to do my grocery shopping at the corner liqour store. So sad. Did you know that everyone in Michigan calls them party stores? It's really bizarre. To me a party store is where you go to get balloons and streamers and such. But oh well. I guess I can't expect much from people who represent the location of their hometowns on their hands. :oP Ok, well I have to go. I'm just reading over what I wrote and realizing how random it is. But hey, it's just you guys. So, um, enjoy or something. Lata.
Previous Posts
- The concert was the most ridiculous amount of fun....
- I'm leaving in ten minutes to go to this concert i...
- suddenly sooo happy............
- Ok, ok, I will answer your questions since everone...
- It was really great to see everyone this weekend; ...
- So how many unfair calls could OSU have made again...
- See "Kristin's Message Board of John Mayer and Lon...
- Ok, so I know I haven't updated this in a while......
- Going out to a movie puts me in such a good mood. ...
- Well, I'm sorry if you are all thoroughly confused...
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